Monday, 12 May 2014

Tooth fairy necklace

A step by step guide about making this necklace. It's a warts and all look with every problem, mishap and disaster, nothing is glossed over. 

• Step 1 Get Organised
Make sure everything is on your workspace ready to go. You will at this stage need your mini bottle and stopper 

Your preferred glue. I like using E6000 as it dries quick and clear.

And your acrylic tooth. I bought 50 of these loose denture teeth from eBay for a couple of quid. 

• Step 2  Start to Assemble
Make sure you pick a tooth that will easily fit through the neck of your bottle. (On my first try I was jamming a molar into the bottle and wondering why it wouldn't fit. Answer- molars are wider than an incisor, that's the pointy one.)
When the tooth has been dropped into the bottle it's time to glue on the stopper. Mine have small cork ones but you could have plastic, rubber or metal ones. Carefully run a tiny amount of glue around the edge of the stopper near the bottom and insert the stopper into the bottle, gently but firmly pushing it in for a tight fit. You may find that some glues like E6000 are a bit clingy and will leave a spider web thin string of glue floating between you and the stopper. Don't worry just wind it away with a cocktail stick or your finger.

• Step 3 Drying Time
Depending on which glue you use it can take between 30 mins to a couple of hours for the glue to dry fully. During this time you can design and print off your labels to glue onto your bottle. Once they are cut out to size make sure you seal them on both sides with a white glue. I use mod podge matt finish glue and a paint brush to apply. Do one side first then when it's dry do the other side. (Try not to do what I did, I left them to dry on the table without warning anyone and they ended  up stuck to clothes and homework)

• Step 4 Glue and Screw
Once your labels are fully dry coat the reverse of the label with your E6000 glue or whichever glue you used and gently press it in place onto your bottle. If any glue squishes out of the sides either wipe it off with a damp cloth or leave it to dry to be picked off later. At this time it is easy to position your label as the glue will help it to slide freely for a few seconds. Once it is in position stand the bottle somewhere out of the way to dry fully this will take a couple of hours or overnight is preferred.

Once everything is stuck firmly, its time to fix the eye screw to the cork stopper, if your lid does not already have a fixer. Mark the centre of the stopper with a pen then gently screw the eye screw into the cork. Gently unscrew this then dip the thread end into a small amount of E6000 glue and reattach  it back onto the stopper. The glue will dry keeping it firmly in place.

• Step 5 Attach Chain
After everything is glued and fully dried it is time to attach the chain and possibly a charm of your choice. Measure the desired length of chain and on one end attach a clasp and on the other either a hook or a ring for the clasp to close on. Add a ring to the eye screw in the stopper and thread the chain through this. Voila there is your finished necklace.

Your finished product should end up something like this: 

I hope this was informative and helpful, I will be adding more about other projects as fast as I can add them :) 

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